Talalay Latex Mattress , another Method of Latex Mattre

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
At today’s industry, in bedding industry, latex mattress is showing up more popular.
Latex mattress is the new product in the mattress industry.
Usually Latex is very thick (typically 4 lb/cubic foot density). Latex also durable because of it’s latex mattress core, which made latex will last almost forever.
Latex mattress is soft and comfortable because of it’s holes (called pincore holes) in them.
Holes are always made in Latex mattress cores (tend to be 5" or 6" thick)
The latex core’s softness depends on the size of the holes.
Through the whole mattress, it’s only one size of holes. So a person who sleeps in it will have the same feel throughout.

Since the first time until now, the actual rubber trees produce original latex natural rubber. Nearly latex mattresses today usually made of a combination of natural latex or synthetic latex and synthetic.
Latex made by synthetic is cheaper and cost more efficient to use in a mattress
Is there any advantage to use natural latex? Most people prefer a natural product rather than a synthetic copy, though finding a natural latex mattress is more difficult and you have to more for the natural latex mattress.

What is talatay mattress?
Latex International, one of the big manufacturers, is going to produce with an all natural Talalay mattress in the near future. The technique of talatay latex mattress is different.

They are manufactured in two different ways:
‘1. The Dunlop method, The original method, whipping the latex liquid with air to make a foam, then transfer the latex liquid into a shape and heating it till it boiled,
2) the Talalay method, which is a bit more involved.
In the Talalay method, the latex is placed on the mold and other processes are involved. A more consistent cell structure is produced. The resulting foam, and then is washed a many times to erase extra proteins and soaps that can reduces the rubbery smell of latex and make the foam degrade early.

So, to choose from two different kinds of latex (synthetic or natural), you have to decide which method of production (Talalay method or Dunlop method) you prefer. Which is best?
The company who used the Talalay method, explained their product having more air dispersed in the product due to the flash freeze step used in the process, less dense, and also described that it had a more similar structure of cell.
Both of them is a good product.
The Talalay method is promising, both with all natural ingredients and even synthetic, but
to really examine the endurance of the product, the technique has not been used in along time when it,s made this way.
Latex is a good product, and many people find the mattress alone very comfortable.
But sometimes a memory foam or a topper layer of 2" is added by many people to really feel of the latex mattress. Because latex doesn't have conforming qualities of memory foam, or the pressure relief.


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